William Clayton was a clerk to Brigham Young and a member of the original 1847 party
of Mormon pioneers to travel to the Salt Lake Valley. He was charged with the
responsibility of keeping a log of trial conditions and distances to be used by
future parties of Saints. The redundancy of counting wagon wheel revolutions in order
to measure trail distances led him to the
invention of the odometer. In 1848 he published his notes on the trail as
The Latter-day Saints Emigrants' Guide,
used by both Mormon and non-Mormon parties as
a source of information for the westward trek.
In his honor, this branch of Poison Spring Creek is known as
"William Clayton Slough". I'm not sure Brother William would see it as an honor.
His description (from the Emigrants' Guide) of this place is "This ought to
be avoided as a camping ground...The land exceeding miry, and smells bad." (See p.14
of the guide in the link above.)